For the first edition of Staff Picks, Stacey Davis is our inaugural recommender. Stacey is the Serials & Cataloging Assistant at Lewis Library, as well as an avid reader! For her first Staff Picks, Stacey has chosen Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West by Dee A. Brown.
This book can be found on the bottom floor of the library using the call number E81 .B75 1991. Here's what Stacey had to say about this book:
You'll get more of the "buried" history of the Native Americans from this 1971 bestseller; it is a sad, but enlightening story that will stay with you long after you have read the last page of the book.
If you're interested in more items related to this topic, check out the following DVD, Bury my heart at Wounded Knee [DVD] : the epic fall of the American Indian, located on the third floor of Lewis Library, DVD PN1997 .B922 2007.
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